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Financial & Investment One-on-One Coaching

To learn more about our Financial Peace and Freedom Bootcamp, visit our Education page.

In addition to Financial Peace and Freedom Bootcamp, we created One-on-One Packages for the potential investors who:

  • Are ready to live better and more alive
  • Are tired of trading their most valuable asset (time) for money,
  • Want to learn how to invest in stock market as a way to generate passive income
  • Believe that investing in the market is a powerful (if not the best way) to make money in a capitalist system.

We understand that once you are ready and recognize what can help you step up your money game, you can’t wait to start your money making money journey.  Because in the end, time is your best friend!

Chat with Sara in FB Messenger and discover what we can do to help you live with confidence and sleep with a smile!

Or if you are ready to start and don’t want to waste another minute, Apply to the program now and jump in with both feet.  This is be the best thing you will do for your financial future, guaranteed!  Give yourself permission.  It is your time and you’re ready for it.

What Happens After You Register?

1. First, we set up the first 45-minute exploration session with me.

This session will help you get clear on the financial goals that will most enrich and empower your life. We will explore and design the training and coaching plan that will give you the best value within the selected time frame. Together we will design the program to ensure that you can celebrate after you graduate because you will achieve your financial peace.

2. Then, we’ll decide on the schedule to meet for the next 5 sessions or 12 sessions, depending on your chosen package.

3. Or, if at the end of the Exploration Session, you are not satisfied with the plan to move forward, we will refund your money 100%. No risk to you.

We are here to support you to achieve what is possible for you financially and in life. We are 100% confident in our programs and we know that the best time to start to master your money matter is yesterday and the next best is today. But we need you to be ready for it and commit to this path to financial freedom.


$ 1450 One-off Payment
  • Who is this for?
  • For newbies
  • Little to no experience in money management
  • Wants to get clear and take control of money situation
  • Want to get out of debt and start to generate wealth
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  • What’s included?
  • 5 sessions
  • 45 min /session


$ 2997 One-off Payment
  • Who is this for?
  • Busy professionals and entrepreneurs
  • Already have a budget and savings
  • See investing as an additional income and long term wealth generation
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  • What’s included?
  • 12 sessions
  • 45 min / session


$ 9700 One-off Payment
  • Who is this for?
  • High Income earners ($100K - $900K annual) who:
  • Recognize the necessity of creating wealth through investing
  • Have no time or no desire to select assets and construct a portfolio by themselves
  • Willing to commit 2 weeks to set-up a long term portfolio with our CFA
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  • What’s included?
  • Set-up a tailor-made portfolio that meet your long term needs
  • Train you on how to manage your own portfolio after construction
  • *Priority (Conference) Call for 1 year
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The Most Frequently Asked Questions & Answers From Our Graduates

My biggest gain was the piece on analyzing stocks and determining which ones are a good buy and which ones are not. I never really knew how to do that.

I am MUCH more aware of my money after this course. From the budgeting reminder at the beginning of the course all the way to the investment allocation chart / concept, it has been an eye-opener EVERY STEP OF THE WAY.

I know money can be grown, but I myself did not know how to do it. I relied on others to help me grow my money. Now I am empowered to also grow my money. YAY!!

I have been spending less on “useless” trinkets and looking at growing my money. I also want to share this knowledge with others. The North American needs this information.

For the sake of a few hours you can change from having your money manage you to you managing your money.

Clarity about money. What it is and what it isn’t. We have so many mental constructs about money! They affect us all day every day. This helped demystify it.

I would have been dependent on “smarter” people to grow my money. And paid huge fees.

I love how easy and simple Sara presents the concepts. Some of it is complicated but she makes it simple. I love my investment portfolio on GuruFocus. I look at it almost every day now. Soon I will get the courage to invest my own cash on my own stock picks!

*Limit to once a month

I have questions!


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