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Financial Education

Are you worried about not having enough money to live the life you want, worried about your children’s education, hating your job but can’t quit, feeling intimidated by numbers and the words “money” and “investment”, or confused about how to invest your hard-earned money?

Wherever you are in your money journey, whether you are just getting started or already on your way, we have a solution for you.

Our Finance and Investment programs are designed to be simple, practical, measurable and holistic.  You will be able to create a strong passive source of income that will support and fulfill the kind of lifestyle that you desire without trading your time for money.

Financial Peace & Freedom

Online Education Program

Financial Peace & Freedom is a 9-Module online training program designed to transform you from Zero to Financial Hero.  This program is the only one you will need to learn to start making money in the stock market.

The program starts where you are no matter how much knowledge you have about money & investments.  We will start with the basic but most comprehensive money management knowledge.  The program will then lead you gently to the more sophisticated concepts in an easy and relaxed manner.

At the completion of the program you will have been introduced to the wisdom and knowledge of famous investors like Warren Buffet, Ben Graham, Phil Fisher, John Burr Williams, and Richard Russell and proven professional trading techniques.

Module One – Vision

Get clear on what is important to you and how it connects to your true self. Get your lifestyle and dreams in numbers and discover your financial peace number.

Module Two – Face the Demon

Uncover and break free from limiting beliefs around money by looking at the world through the eyes of successful investors.

Module Three – Money Management

Be enlightened about your entire money journey. Understand how money flows in and out of your life, and learn how to direct the flow like successful investors do.

Module Four – Compass

Discover your personal magic number that will navigate you through your wealth creation journey.

Module Five – Asset Allocation

Break free from financial jargon and discover asset allocation to create your own investment road map.

Module Six – Pricing & Valuation

Dive into the art and science of investment valuation within the stock market ecosystem and learn how to value a business and stock through fundamental analysis.

Module Seven – Technical Analysis

Learn the psychology behind a stock chart and understand technical trading and the timing of your investments.

Module Eight – Manage your Risk

Discover and develop a risk management strategy that matches your path to financial freedom road map.

Module Nine – Investment Strategy

Understand and step into the investment style that aligns with your current mindset using proven professional traders’ and investors’ strategies – from short term to medium term to long term.

Bonus – Investment Structuring, Account Types & Brokerages

Select the secure and efficient brokerage house and open an investing account. It is time to start your first (paper) investment!

I’ve learned that I’ve been ignorant and irresponsible about my finances. And if I don’t change my ways and take the right actions, I may end up being in debt down the road.

The Bootcamp’s team is very dedicated, amazing, and loving. I now have an insight on how I can improve my finances with a few simple actions for immediate results.  After Module 3, I gained clarity through the net worth and cash flow exercise and reclaimed over $20,000.  Without that amount I would be in big red ink by the end of 2018.

What changed in my life is that I realized I’m in a better position than what I thought & was afraid of. I also changed some negative attitudes toward my finances and applied positive attitudes that I learned from the Bootcamp.  I’m more hopeful that I can definitely achieve some of my goals, if not all of them.

Very thankful to be a part of the Financial Freedom Bootcamp


Financial Peace

$ 1,297
  • What’s included?
  • Inner Transformation
  • How to Manage Money like the Wealthy
  • Wealth Creation Blueprint Set-up
  • Personnalized Asset Allocations Options
  • Follow along Workbooks
  • Calculate-For-You Worksheets
  • 50+ Topics in 35+ Videos
  • How to save and withdraw your funds to help you last a life time

Financial Peace & Freedom

$ 2,767
  • What's included
  • All of Financial Peace Package
  • PLUS
  • Learn How To
  • Buy Your Investments at Discount Prices
  • Short & Medium Term Technical Trading
  • Manage Risk
  • Personnalize Your Invesment Strategies
  • 160+ Topics in 75+ Videos
  • Access to VIP Investment Group
Best Value

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Financial Peace and Freedom

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